[Nhcoll-l] question about an inidentified collector

Marie Meister mf.meister at unistra.fr
Tue Mar 8 06:20:02 EST 2022


I work in a french (formerly german) museum of zoology and have a 
question about one collector for whom we have ABSOLUTELY no information.

We just have a last name: GISSELBRECHT, but have plenty of his collects.
They are all marine invertebrates collected in Bergen Norway 1909, and 
Triest 1911.

If you have ever met this guy in your inventories and know better, we 
would be pleased to read about him!
Many thanks in advance,



*Marie Meister, PhD*
UMR7044 du CNRS & Musée Zoologique de Strasbourg

Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 04 84
mf.meister at unistra.fr <mailto:mf.meister at unistra.fr>

Current address:

Institut de Géologie

1 Rue Blessig, F-67000 Strasbourg

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