[Nhcoll-l] 70% ETOH in volume?

Dirk Neumann d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de
Wed Sep 21 04:24:49 EDT 2022

Hi Tonya,

general aspects could be total volumes (different pricing, storage/DGR/safety requirements for different container sizes), control with what YOU want to dilute (cf. previsou discussions on de-ionised vs. distilled vs. tap-water if reliable and of certified/controlled quality), and potentially (especially in some EU-countries) the choice (or lack of it) be free to choose specific denaturants (or not). Those would be the most obvious that would jump into my mind immediately.

With best wishes

Am 21.09.2022 um 09:41 schrieb Tom Schiøtte:
Hi Tonya,

We have bought 70% for several years, and now we use 96% only for topping up. I don’t know the price difference, but it has apparently not scared our budgets people (who are usually vigilant), and with regards to other ill effects I heard of none.



Tom Schiøtte

Collection manager, Echinodermata & Mollusca
Natural History Museum of Denmark (Zoology)
Universitetsparken 15
DK 2100 Copenhagen OE

+45 35 32 10 48
TSchioette at snm.ku.dk<mailto:TSchioette at snm.ku.dk>

From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu><mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Haff, Tonya (NCMI, Crace)
Sent: 21. september 2022 05:01
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] 70% ETOH in volume?

Hello everyone,

Following on our conversation about mixing 70% EtOH, I am wondering if anyone purchases pre-mixed 70% instead of diluting it in-house? We are going through a lot of ethanol right now, and it would ease our work flow if we could cut the in-house mixing stage and just decant 70% straight out of a pre-mixed drum… but I suspect this may come at a cost (and perhaps not only financia?). I would love to hear your thoughts and perspectives on this.



Dr. Tonya M. Haff
Collection Manager
Australian National Wildlife Collection

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Dirk Neumann
Collection Manager, Hamburg

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Stiftung Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels
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