[Nhcoll-l] Catalog or record of 19th and early 20th c collectors?

Peter Wimberger phwimberger at pugetsound.edu
Wed Feb 22 03:52:23 EST 2023

Hello All,
I wanted to thank folks who responded to my query about Stanley Jewett last
Fall. It was very useful and we've found more material that sheds a bit
more light on his life. Does anyone know if there is a catalog or good
account of late 19th and first half of the 20th century North American bird
collectors who contributed significant numbers of specimens to museum
collections? As I go through some of our Stanley Jewett material including
his accounts of collectors with whom he traded and orphan tags from
specimens he received and put his own tags on (he did credit the original
collectors on his tags), it would be great to have a list, and maybe even
short bios of those folks who contributed the bulk of older specimens in
our collections, which are such invaluable records of the past.
Peter Wimberger
Director, Slater Museum of Natural History
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