[Nhcoll-l] Volunteers needed! Black in Natural History Museums | BlackInNHMs week October 15-21

Hayley Singleton hsingleton at amherst.edu
Thu Jul 6 11:06:22 EDT 2023

Hello everyone,

We would like to announce the 3rd Annual BlackInNHMs week will take place
on Sunday 15th October to Saturday 21st October 2023. We need your
support because
diversifying our spaces is crucial to the sustainability and relevance of
natural history museums, and natural history broadly.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, BlackInNHMs is a grassroots organization of
dedicated professionals (curators, professors, collections managers,
graduate students and communication specialists) building the
infrastructure from the ground up to engage and create a community for
Black folks who are in, were in, or interested in being in NHMs. We are
asking that everyone including natural history museums and collections
actively support this initiative in whatever way you can (volunteer,
participate etc.). We want the voices, opinions, and stories of Black
people to be heard, reflected and respected in Natural history museums. And
we want you to help us make it happen. Learn more about us here:

In addition to supporting our non-profit generally, we have identified 3
ways to help as we plan our upcoming 2023 annual event (Oct 15-21):


   1. Fundraising (individual donations or helping with fundraising

   2. Helping plan our annual event (before, during and after)

   3. Networking and Promotion (help to promote BINHMs, share information
   to networks and other spaces)

If you can support BlackinNHMs in any of these ways please complete this
2-minute survey (https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dpamD4wNwpvw4ES). We
will follow up with you thereafter. If you already filled in the survey, we
appreciate your support and we will be in touch shortly.

Please share widely!

Thank you,

On behalf of the Black In Natural History Museums Board,

Adania Flemming, Alnycea Blackwell, Janet Buckner, Leanne Melbourne, Hank
Bart, Nicole Fuller, Brianna Mims, Hadeel Saad, and Jessica Ware

Hayley Singleton Hyde
She/her/hers <https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why>
Head of Collections and Operations
Beneski Museum of Natural History
Amherst College
11 Barrett Hill Drive
Amherst, MA
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