[Nhcoll-l] FW: Geological Curator - Production Assistants needed

Andrew Haycock Andrew.Haycock at museumwales.ac.uk
Tue May 9 06:45:37 EDT 2023

Subject: Geological Curator - Production Assistants needed

Hi all,

The Geological Curator (https://www.geocurator.org/journal) is looking for volunteers to fulfil the roles of first stage Production Assistant.

This is a great opportunity to gain experience in copy editing and publishing more generally. A full role description is below.

No prior knowledge required, enthusiasm essential!

Please send a brief statement of interest to journal at geocurator.org<mailto:journal at geocurator.org> by 24th May to express an interest in the role.

Kind regards,


ROLE: Production Assistant

Purpose: To work with the editor to produce up to two issues of the Geological Curator per year.

Key relationships: Journal editors, associate editors

Average time commitment: No more than 60 hours pa, concentrated particularly prior to the publication of the bi-yearly issues. Busiest periods anticipated to be April-May and October-November each year.

Main tasks:

  *   Copy edit all accepted revised manuscripts
  *   Liaise with authors, Associate Editors and Editor regarding changes in content and style at copy editing stage
  *   Ensure all components of manuscripts meet journal style
  *   Format journal issues and produce final version for publishing
  *   Liaise with Editor to facilitate addition of advertisements etc into final version
  *   Help develop journal style manual
  *   Liaise with printers and binders to print final issues
  *   Liaise with Editor, Finance Officer and Secretary to ensure publication and distribution of individual journal issues
  *   Work with Editor, Finance Officer and Secretary to ensure journal remains in budget and meets deadlines
  *   Keep statistics and produce reports as required
  *   Provide advice on potential stylistic changes to journal

Dr Duncan Murdock
Collections Manager, Earth Collections

Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW, UK | +44 (0)1865 272955  ∣  @morethanadodo  ∣  www.oumnh.ox.ac.uk<http://www.oumnh.ox.ac.uk/>
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