[Nhcoll-l] People identifiers "roundtrip" workshop

Shorthouse, David davidpshorthouse at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 23:22:35 EDT 2023

Hello folks,

On Dec 6, 2023 13:00 – 17:00 UTC there will be a free, online workshop
for collections data managers, collections management system
developers, and anyone with an interest in applying persistent and
unique identifiers to the people's names in collections data. See
https://bit.ly/cms-roundtrip to register.

There is a line-up of excellent speakers and domain experts from the
US, EU, and Australia who have tackled this challenge from many angles
including through the use of downloads available on Bionomia,
https://bionomia.net. Some speakers use Specify, some use EMu, and
there are other systems at play. There are two 10-15min spots
available if you are interested in demonstrating your work in the area
of people's names disambiguation and incorporation of their unique,
machine-actionable identifiers in your collections management system
or collections data. Talks will be recorded.

To help keep things lively, we will also have a "Disambiguation
Exhibition". Here's your chance to share a quick story. Perhaps you
have new insights, new challenges, or new avenues for research as a
result of examining who-is-who on labels, or you might have an
unsolved mystery to challenge attendees. The format of an "exhibition"
is 3 slides in 90 seconds and there are 8 open slots.

Please get in touch with me if you are interested in contributing
either a 10min talk or a 90 second exhibit and I will send a link to
the Google Doc used to plan the event.

Otherwise, I hope you are able to join, learn, and consider adopting a
"roundtrip" of people's identifiers in your collections data. The
agenda will be available soon.

David P. Shorthouse

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