[Nhcoll-l] Fwd: KR21 Request to Participate in EC Study On Copyright Issues and Challenges in Research

Jutta Buschbom jutta.buschbom at statistical-genetics.de
Mon Nov 6 01:40:40 EST 2023

Hi All,

Should you be interested in the evolution of copyright policies and the 
governance of digital data: The European Commission is currently 
conducting a survey on copyright that also goes into questions of data 
governance in general, see below.

Best wishes,


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	KR21 Request to Participate in EC Study On Copyright Issues 
and Challenges in Research
Date: 	Fri, 3 Nov 2023 12:22:35 +0000
From: 	KR21 Secretariat <info at knowledgerights21.org>
Reply-To: 	KR21 Secretariat <info at knowledgerights21.org>
To: 	Jutta Buschbom <jutta.buschbom at statistical-genetics.de>

KR21 Request to Participate in EC Study On Copyright Issues and 
Challenges in Research Make your voice heard and speak up about on 
copyright issues and challenges in research

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Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21) 

/Make your voice heard and speak up about on copyright issues and 
challenges in research./

   👇 act

Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21) calls on you to *participate in a survey for 
research performing organisations* that is *part of a comprehensive 
study* being prepared *for the European Commission*.

The aim of this effort conducted by the Public Policy and Management 
Institute (PPMI 
is to *evaluate the effects of the EU copyright framework on research* 
and the effects of potential interventions and identifying and 
presenting relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital 
legislation, with a focus on rights and obligations.

*This is a moment to make your voice heard and speak up!*


The Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI 
is leading a *European Commission (EC) study to evaluate the effects of 
the EU copyright framework on research *and the effects of potential new 
interventions and is *inviting research performing organisations to 
participate in the survey*. Please see *a letter of support* 
provided by the EC for more details.

The survey is specifically designed for *individuals leading your 
organisation's library, publishing functions, or overseeing its 
copyright, licensing and Open Access/Open Science policy*. This could 
include your *Library Director, Lead Copyright Officer*, or the person 
responsible for shaping your organisation's overarching Open Access/Open 
Science strategy or person involved in licensing from publishers.

*PPMI have already disseminated this survey via Legal Entity Appointed 
Representatives* and asked them to forward it to relevant persons, which 
is why you may have already received this invitation.*If you have 
already completed this survey, please kindly disregard this email. *This 
outreach through Knowledge Rights 21 ensures that PPMI captures insights 
from a wide and diverse spectrum of stakeholders.

The survey should take about *30 minutes to complete*. We would be 
grateful if you could forward this email to one of the persons/profiles 
described above.

*The survey can be accessed and completed via*

The results of this survey will feed into a wider European Commission 
study on the effects of the EU copyright framework on research and the 
effects of potential interventions. The information you provide will 
help identify and present relevant potential provisions for research in 
EU data and digital legislation, focusing on rights and obligations.

Ultimately, the study will be a *key source of evidence for Priority 
Action 2 of the European Research Area Policy Agenda 2022-2024*, which 
aims to “Propose an EU copyright and data legislative and regulatory 
framework fit for research.”

The*survey questionnaire must be completed by 23:59 (CET), 10 November 

Any collected data will be treated confidentially, only used for 
internal purposes, and processed in line with the Privacy Statement 

Should you have any inquiries or require additional information, please 
do not hesitate to contact PPMI at era2study-surveys at ppmi.lt 
<mailto:era2study-surveys at ppmi.lt>.

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     /about us/

/Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21) is focused on bringing about changes in 
legislation and practice across Europe that will strengthen the right of 
all to knowledge. It is built on a conviction that knowledge is 
essential for education, innovation and cultural participation, and that 
everyone should have the possibility - in particular through libraries, 
archives and digitally - to access and use it./

/Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21)
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5, 2598 BE The Hague, Netherlands
//info at knowledgerights21.org/ <mailto:info at knowledgerights21.org>

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You can //update your preferences/ 


Dr. Jutta Buschbom
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse 35
22926 Ahrensburg

+49 (0)4102 459264
jutta.buschbom at statistical-genetics.de


Data Architect, RECODE-Project
The Natural History Museum, London, UK
jutta.buschbom at nhm.ac.uk

[first name][last name]
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