[Tshwanelex-l] Loading DTD templates in tlTerm (?)

David Joffe david.joffe at tshwanedje.com
Tue Nov 22 03:38:48 EST 2011

Hmm, I was going to say 'yes it's possible' but now that you mention 
it, I recall now that option isn't present in the tlTerm 'new' 
dialog. That may be a bit of an oversight on our part, as it should 
be quite easy for us to implement, as the functionality is already 
there in TLex etc. Will add it to the TODO list here.

In the meantime, there is a relatively easy step-by-step workaround 
that achieves basically the same thing:

- Open existing tlTerm file
- Select menu option 'Edit/tag all'
- Go to 'Filter (F5)'
- Under the 'Hide' column tick the first item, 'Tagged', and click 
the 'Apply' button
- Go to 'File/Save a copy/tlTerm file'
- Under 'General settings' tick 'Use filters'
- Click 'OK' and save under a new filename
- Then close the current file (File/Close), and open the tlTerm 
you've saved under the new filename
- (Optional) Go to the 'Termbase/Properties' menu and change any 
'general' properties, e.g. the name of the termbase

Basically this saves a new copy of the current termbase, but minus 
the actual entries. It seems like a fairly long-winded workaround 
but it's actually a fairly quick process, and can be followed easily 
'step by step' without understanding. Let me know if that helps.

 - David

On 21 Nov 2011 at 21:24, Michael Beijer wrote:

From:	Michael Beijer <michael at wordbook.nl>
Date sent:	Mon, 21 Nov 2011 21:24:08 +0000
To:	tshwanelex-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject:	[Tshwanelex-l] Loading DTD templates in tlTerm (?)

> In the TshwaneLex User Guide, the following is stated:
> 'DTD Templates
> It is possible to save the DTD of a particular dictionary project with the "Dictionary/Save DTD
> template" menu option. This DTD template can then be loaded into a new dictionary ("File/New
> dictionary"). See the "Load DTD template from file" section of Figure 1 in this regard.'
> Does this also apply to tlTerm? Is it possible to load DTD templates in tlTerm?
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> Michael Beijer
> Translator & Lexicographer
> (Dutch/Flemish into English)
> 46 Priory Street, Lewes, 
> East Sussex BN7 1HJ, 
> United Kingdom
> Tel. +44 (0)1273 483881
> Mob.+44 (0)797 093 5608
> michael at wordbook.nl

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