[Tshwanelex-l] Some queries about tlTerm

David Joffe david.joffe at tshwanedje.com
Sat Dec 15 11:36:45 EST 2012

Hi Ana,

On 14 Dec 2012 at 19:41, ANA BENNETT BAXTER wrote:

From:	ANA BENNETT BAXTER <weepal at ono.com>
Date sent:	Fri, 14 Dec 2012 19:41:24 +0100
To:	tshwanelex-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject:	[Tshwanelex-l] Some queries about tlTerm

> I'm having some problems with tlTerm and wonder if maybe someone can hep 
> me.
> 1). In F2 option, the attributes are not shown properly. The column 
> headings only show the top half of the letters in the text.

Hmm, are you using Mac or Windows?

> 2). I don't get the option to add any elements. In bilingual 
> dictionaries, I can only add the word, the 2nd language equivalent and 
> notes.

What happens if you right-click on Tree View elements? This is the 
main are for adding elements. (If the desired options are not 
present when you right-click in the Tree View - this would depend on 
your project and/or goals - then there may be some configuration 

> 3). How do I integrate tlTerm into Word?

With tlTerm (with your data) open, make sure "Tools / Microsoft Word 
integration" is enabled. Then when you are working in Word, and a 
term in your database is matched against the word at the cursor, it 
should display in a popup window.

> 4). When I click samples, nothing happens.

Hmm, this sounds like you are using a Mac? On Mac (due to the way 
Mac .app folders work), the Samples are in the DMG that you download 
from our site as a separate folder; you can open the samples from 
the DMG download, or copy them using Finder to your Documents 

> I find the user guide a bit confusing and even when I follow 
> instructions from the user guide or from your videos, I can't get the 
> programme to do what I'm expecting it to do.

We do offer training and paid support if you need assistance.

> I'd be grateful if somebody could tell me what I am doing wrong or how 
> to fix any of the above.
> Thanks.

Kind regards,

 - David Joffe

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