From david.joffe at Wed Dec 29 21:10:58 2021 From: david.joffe at (David Joffe) Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 04:10:58 +0200 Subject: [Tshwanelex-l] MacOS Monterey and TLex Message-ID: <> Hi, An early first new version of TLex, tlTerm, tlCorpus, tlDatabase and tlReader for Monterey M1-based Macs is available: Click on "Monterey-M1", then click on the highest version number subfolder in that folder, e.g. "3046" or higher, to access the Monterey DMG release bundles. Download and install as usual (you may have to go System Prefererences / Privacy / Allow app' as usual when trying to run the first time) Pleasse test it out and report problems to me. Please also let me know if it does (or does not) solve your Monterey or related problems. This has not been heavily tested yet, so may still have problems, so (as always), make sure you make backup copies of your TLex data before trying it out. - David