[Tshwanelex-l] Importing a file with several senses for each entry

David Joffe david.joffe at tshwanedje.com
Fri Mar 25 09:03:38 EDT 2022

Hi Eñaut,

Thank you for your purchase and support, and about the support 
contact, I'll send you my direct contact details to assist you.

It's tricky to import Excel if there are different sense 
structures/hierarchies on each entry (the software can only really 
easily import Excel if fields are nicely in columns, but detecting 
hierarchies is a bit more complex) - ideally if I can get a copy of 
the data I can advise more specifically directly (or perhaps you did 
already send, I will check). I'll have to analyze the data to advise 
how best to solve it, and if it's easy or not to solve, as it 
depends on various things.

 - David

On 19 Mar 2022 at 11:31, einaut at gmail.com wrote:

From:	<einaut at gmail.com>
To:	<tshwanelex-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Date sent:	Sat, 19 Mar 2022 11:31:16 +0100
Subject:	[Tshwanelex-l] Importing a file with several senses for each entry

>     Hello, I just registered to this list and I’m wondering if someone could help me with these two 
>     things.
>     - First, I’ve bought 2 hours of support but I don’t know how to use them. I wrote several times 
>     to support but to no avail.
>     - Second, I have an Excel sheet with more than 100,000 entries, most of which have several 
>     senses and each sense has several translation equivalences. How can I import those repeated 
>     elements? Each time I try, the last element value overwrites the previous ones so it’s impossible 
>     to get import several senses under a same entry. Should I use new elements such as Sense1, 
>     Sense2, Sense3?
>     Thank you so much for your help!
>     =====================
>     Eñaut Urrestarazu Aizpurua
>     C/ Santa Eulalia, 47, 12B
>     48980 Santurtzi - Spain

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