[Tshwanelex-l] Audio icon changes
David Joffe
david.joffe at tshwanedje.com
Fri Oct 21 10:54:19 EDT 2022
FYI, if you notice changes to the way audio icons look and
work in TLex, tlTerm etc., this is due to switching by default
to using newer HTML audio tags for handling sounds.
This has some advantages when publishing, as the audio can be
handled by the browser automatically, though depending on the
project, you may want to switch to the old way again.
You can use the setting "Use new HTML audio tags" in the
Settings menu to toggle to the old audio icons.
On the Mac version in the Preview Area if the audio doesn't
play you can try use the setting above for now to play audio
icons by toggling to the old way (this affects Preview Area
only) - when generating HTML output e.g. via 'File / Export'
HTML or TLex Online publishing, there's a setting in the
export dialog that controls whether or not to use the new
HTML-based audio icons (which I'd generally recommend in
future, as browsers can play the audio by default with this
Related tip: You can also use the Filter (F5) 'Error checks'
'Missing file' filter check to check for missing or
incorrectly linked image or audio files, e.g. if an entry
specifies some image or sound file but the file isn't present.
- David
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---- File information -----------
File: audio icon.png
Date: 20 Oct 2022, 16:07
Size: 99541 bytes.
Type: Unknown
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Name: audio icon.png
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 99541 bytes
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---- File information -----------
File: 2022-10-20 15_57_39-TLex Lexicography Software - [C__Program Files_TLexSuite_Projects_Samples_Sounds.png
Date: 20 Oct 2022, 15:57
Size: 112285 bytes.
Type: Unknown
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Name: 2022-10-20 15_57_39-TLex Lexicography Software - [C__Program Files_TLexSuite_Projects_Samples_Sounds.png
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