[Yale-readings] Reading, Dolores Hayden, Guilford Poets' Guild

Nancy Kuhl nancy.kuhl at yale.edu
Thu Oct 25 16:38:13 EDT 2007

The Guilford Poets Guild will host Dolores Hayden, on Thursday, November 
8th.  Ms. Hayden,  Professor of Architecture, Urbanism, and American 
Studies at Yale, will read from her most recent poetry collection, American 
Yard, which received wide critical praise. Her poetry has appeared in many 
journals and anthologies including The Kenyon Review, The Yale Review, and 
Slate. The program, which is free to the public, will begin at 7:30 pm at 
the Women and Family Life Center, 96 Fair Street, Guilford CT.

From: "Audrey Fitting" <afitting at comcast.net>

The Yale-Readings Listserv is sponsored by the Yale Collection of American 
Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. To post 
announcements about poetry and fiction readings, send the full text of the 
announcement, including contact information, to 
<http://mailman.yale.edu/mailman/listinfo/yale-readings>nancy.kuhl at 
yale.edu. Messages sent directly to the Yale-Readings list may not be posted.

For more information about Poetry at the Beinecke Library, visit: 
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