[YPNG] YPNG Friday 17 August, 11:00--1:00

Sekhar Tatikonda sekhar.tatikonda at yale.edu
Wed Aug 15 09:10:26 EDT 2018

Hi Folks,
This Friday Chris Harshaw will talk about:

"Submodularity Beyond Lattices: Matrices, Polynomials, Arbitrary Real
Vector Spaces - Oh My!"

In the recent YPNG seminars, we've heard about submodular set functions and
their "continuous"
counterparts defined on Rn.  In both discrete and continuous domains, these
submodular functions
are characterized by a diminishing returns condition and admit efficient
maximization algorithms.
However, the definitions of these functions heavily relied on an underlying
lattice structure in the
domain. For many domains, such as matrices, polynomials, and function
spaces, we can envision
a notion of diminishing returns, although there is not a clear choice of
lattice. In this talk, we
introduce a broader notion of submodularity that extends to arbitrary real
vector spaces. We
also give approximation algorithms for maximizing these nonconvex
objectives. Finally, we
discuss potential applications in maximum likelihood estimation.

See you Friday at 11.

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