[Yale ArchivesSpace] MSSA local usage meetings--FYI

Caldera, Mary mary.caldera at yale.edu
Wed Aug 5 10:58:53 EDT 2015

Hi, Moira, our discussions will be focused on how to do things in AS, however, in some cases policy does need to be discussed and/or formulated. --mary

From: Fitzgerald, Moira
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 10:55 AM
To: Caldera, Mary
Subject: RE: MSSA local usage meetings--FYI

Hi Mary,

This sounds like a good idea.  Will these sessions be more focused on how to do these things in AS or more on policies?  I'd be interested in attending the one today, if I can make it.



From: yulaspace-bounces at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:yulaspace-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> [mailto:yulaspace-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Caldera, Mary
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 10:23 AM
To: yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu>
Subject: [Yale ArchivesSpace] MSSA local usage meetings--FYI

Hi, everyone,

Now that AS is a little more stable and many of us are using it. MSSA A&D staff are meeting weekly to discuss local MSSA usage of ASpace. We have three meetings scheduled and others are welcome to join us. Below are the topics (though these may change as needed). I would like to meet regularly to discuss/figure out/decide upon issues of local MSSA usage (not digital objects, events, or AV). Below are the topics I already have in mind. At each meeting I will ask someone to take notes, document our decisions and report out to yulaspace.

Topics for review/discussion:

Weds 8/5, (wright B67)-1pm, wright b67 -Applying use restrictions
Weds 8/5, (wright B67)-1pm, wright b67 -Applying access restrictions
Weds 8/12 (wright B67)-1pm-Creating and Linking to top containers (refresher)
Weds 8/12-(wright B67)-1pm-Creating and Linking to top containers (accession records)
Weds 8/19-(wright B67)-1pm - Publish/Unpublish as default

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