[Yale ArchivesSpace] Update on AS index issues
Wisner, Melissa
melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Thu Aug 13 10:30:49 EDT 2015
Several staff reported problems retrieving newly added records to ArchivesSpace via barcode. After discussing with Hudson Molonglo, they determined this was a bug in our custom plugin for top container records. HM has corrected the bug and we have configured the new plugin on the DEV ArchivesSpace instance. The additional step of running a partial re-index of all top container records was also completed overnight. This morning staff confirmed the expected results.
The next step is to apply this fix and re-index step in the TEST and PROD instances of AS. Work will begin today (Thursday) during business hours on the TEST AS instance. Please be aware that this will result in brief downtime for the TEST instance this morning (http://test-aspace.library.yale.edu). Once the new plugin is in place, the re-index step will begin. If you do use TEST AS today, please be aware you may notice spotty results as the data is being re-indexed.
Work on PROD AS will commence this evening after 5pm. Same outline, brief downtime to apply the changes, and the partial re-index is estimated to take up to 14 hours to complete. The re-index may be faster in PROD, as the server is more robust than DEV, but an estimate would be a restored PROD AS index at 8AM tomorrow (Friday).
Melissa Wisner
Library IT
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