[Yale ArchivesSpace] Update on ArchivesSpace from Library IT

Wisner, Melissa melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Tue Jul 14 17:12:36 EDT 2015

Hello Everyone,

I'd like to send an update about the effort to improve performance for ArchivesSpace. YUL received a set of recommendations for system configuration and modifications to custom plugins YUL uses. This set of changes has been successfully vetted in the dev and test AS instances. We have initiated the work to implement these in production. You may notice a spot of downtime later this evening, as work continues in the production environment.

I'd like to look at this as our first increment of better in AS performance. The AS Committee and Library IT are aware that performance will require additional monitoring, and an updated list of areas for improvement. Library IT will be using New Relic to monitor performance in production. To date we focused this tool in the dev and test AS instances, as we made system adjustments there first.

Please continue to report any problems with AS to libraryit.entsys at yale.edu<mailto:libraryit.entsys at yale.edu> This will create a ticket in the central system and help track the issue through closure.  There are several in the queue now and you'll be receiving updates from Library IT on these once the production work is complete.

Several of you have taken up my offer to have me stop by your office, or you have emailed me directly to detail your questions and concerns. I appreciate your time and confidence to express yourself to me.

Thanks to everyone for your patience,
Melissa Wisner
Library IT
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