[Yale ArchivesSpace] ASpace index

Callahan, Maureen maureen.callahan at yale.edu
Mon Jul 20 09:16:14 EDT 2015

Hi folks,

Many of you have already gotten an email from me about this, but I wanted everyone to know that Div, Arts, Music, OHAM, Walpole, Area Studies, Medical, BRBL and MSSA have not indexed over the weekend.

I sent spreadsheets with resource records, accession records, and direct links to the record URIs in ASpace to a number of you. While the index is down, you can still edit and create records - it's just impossible to search or browse them without an index.

Please don't hesitate to be in touch with me, Mary Caldera, or Mark Custer if you have questions about getting to records or need help with your data. Please contact library IT if you have questions about performance or the state of the indexer.


Maureen Callahan
Archivist, Metadata Specialist
Manuscripts & Archives
Yale University Library
maureen.callahan at yale.edu<mailto:maureen.callahan at yale.edu>

Webpage: web.library.yale.edu/mssa
Collections: drs.library.yale.edu

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