[Yale ArchivesSpace] FW: [Archivesspace_member_reps] registration open for ArchivesSpace Member Meeting, August 22 at Cleveland Public Library

Custer, Mark mark.custer at yale.edu
Wed Jun 10 08:40:57 EDT 2015


For those of you not yet signed up for LYRASIS's ArchivesSpace Users listserv (which you can sign up for at http://lyralists.lyrasis.org/mailman/listinfo/archivesspace_users_group by using your Yale email address), see the announcement below about the first ever ArchivesSpace Member Meeting.  If you'll be in Cleveland this year for SAA's annual meeting, it's a good excuse to get out to the Cleveland Public Library!


From: archivesspace_member_reps-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org [mailto:archivesspace_member_reps-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Christine Di Bella
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 9:23 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group; Archivesspace Member Reps; archivesspace_tac_uac at lyralists.lyrasis.org
Cc: archivesspace_bot_members at lyralists.lyrasis.org
Subject: [Archivesspace_member_reps] registration open for ArchivesSpace Member Meeting, August 22 at Cleveland Public Library

Dear ArchivesSpace Members,

We're pleased to announce the opening of registration for the ArchivesSpace Member Meeting, to be held at the Cleveland Public Library in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 22. The Member Meeting is a chance for all interested staff of ArchivesSpace member institutions to share and learn about experiences implementing, using, and developing for ArchivesSpace. The preliminary schedule is available on our wiki<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__archivesspace.atlassian.net_wiki_display_ADC_ArchivesSpace-26-2343-3BMember-26-2343-3BMeeting-26-2343-3B2015&d=AwMFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=s7ciGQfUJeaV_ryx908hbeXDoU9aqDwDN0Z0VbfsJ3Y&m=GJsnJPqW7lZ8Umg25W8BQ_EtV19Pgxpp7gu7jVlkfns&s=kOjL06b8zYTKo1rny5DB_NCqyvZ-PvAdCOF4H_hFIcg&e=>. More information will be added in the coming weeks.

This is a free event, limited to staff of ArchivesSpace member institutions. All interested staff are welcome, as we're aiming to have offerings suitable for people with a range of interests and experiences.

Ways you can participate:

*         Register for the Member Meeting at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/archivesspace-member-meeting-registration-16770198114<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.eventbrite.com_e_archivesspace-2Dmember-2Dmeeting-2Dregistration-2D16770198114&d=AwMFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=s7ciGQfUJeaV_ryx908hbeXDoU9aqDwDN0Z0VbfsJ3Y&m=GJsnJPqW7lZ8Umg25W8BQ_EtV19Pgxpp7gu7jVlkfns&s=PoDa80gIhexqfpGNiTS3F85gvmGnLSReBiuWHpXJg3k&e=>

*         Suggest additional breakout session topics by emailing me at christine.dibella at lyrasis.org<mailto:christine.dibella at lyrasis.org>, starting a discussion on the Users Group listserv, or commenting on the wiki page.

*         Suggest facilitators and speakers for breakouts, or volunteer yourself, by emailing me.
If you have any questions or ideas, please don't hesitate to be in touch. With your help, we're sure this will be an event to remember!


Christine Di Bella
Community Outreach and Support Manager
christine.dibella at lyrasis.org<mailto:christine.dibella at lyrasis.org>
800.999.8558 x2905
cdibella13 (Skype)
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