[Yale ArchivesSpace] ArchivesSpace at Yale Users' Newsletter

Callahan, Maureen maureen.callahan at yale.edu
Fri Jun 12 09:47:52 EDT 2015

Hi folks,

Welcome to production! Migrations are done, the database is live, and the first round of trainings has been completed. Here’s a list of things to know (and things we’re working on) to kick off the new tool.

0. The basics

  *   Archivists’ Toolkit is no longer supported. Do not use it.
  *   We are now in ArchivesSpace! Do your work here: https://aspace.library.yale.edu
  *   If you need a sandbox environment to muck around, experiment, and not worry about mistakes, go here: https://test-aspace.library.yale.edu

1. Training and more training.
Over the last several weeks, we’ve held four introduction to ArchivesSpace training sessions. We understand, though, that it will take much more to make us all power users. To this end, here are some first steps for learning more about the application.

  *   Our manual is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DI_7YNZy-RcjQ9hpMMbxJEkHFpYndzmDoG3ylOc38BY/edit?usp=sharing . Feel free to insert a comment on the manual if you see anything that you think should be explained further.
  *   The Lyrasis-hosted manual can be found by clicking the question-mark symbol in the application and registering as a member.
  *   I will be holding ArchivesSpace open office hours every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30. If you’re in Manuscripts and Archives, wave me over and we can explore and solve problems together. If you’re at another repository, give me a call (2-3627) and we can either do a screen share or I’ll come on over.
  *   As we catch our breath, it will be good to do more targeted training on how to use advanced features on the application.
  *   Finally, we found that some questions we got during training were less about application use and more about archival practice. We’re eager to collaborate with the Special Collections Steering Committee to provide training opportunities around collections management, archival description, and accessioning.

2. Performance sucks
There’s no getting around the fact that performance on ArchivesSpace is really poor right now. Steve DiSorbo in Library IT is working on some solutions, and I think that we’re all in agreement that this needs to get better and fast.

3. Messy data growing pains
You may notice that controlled value lists (especially the extent type list) are very, very messy right now. This has to do with a few things — the natural consequences of bringing together four distinct databases, the way AT imported EAD, and how difficult it is to clean up these values once they’re in ArchivesSpace.
Mark Custer and I have blocked off several days in July to work on this, so we can plan to see improvements by the end of the summer.
Just to review, the policy on the extent list is to only list space occupied, A/V carrier types, and a handful of values used for accessioning. Other values should go in the container summary field. The idea behind this is to allow for more rigorous reporting and surveys. This policy is spelled out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JHBq8FTc9nGrBdNkdD8_44ghQ_CRw5Gud2tMRN3GSOY/edit?usp=sharing

4. Managing containers
As we discussed during training, ArchivesSpace takes a new approach to circulating containers. You can think of a container as its own record in the database (just like a subject or agent record), which is then linked to where appropriate. Since this is a new process, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have trouble getting the hang of it. To help, I’ve made some screencasts to walk you through this process (scroll halfway down the page to see these). http://guides.library.yale.edu/ASpaceContainerManagement

Best wishes,

Maureen Callahan
Archivist, Metadata Specialist
Manuscripts & Archives
Yale University Library
maureen.callahan at yale.edu<mailto:maureen.callahan at yale.edu>

Webpage: web.library.yale.edu/mssa
Collections: drs.library.yale.edu
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