[Yale ArchivesSpace] YulASpace Digest, Vol 1, Issue 2

Appel, Toby toby.appel at yale.edu
Mon May 18 11:34:42 EDT 2015


Is it OK during the moratorium to create a practice record (the one from class) on the test space?  I can use the practice.



Toby Anita Appel, PhD, MLS
Manuscript Cataloging
Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
and Associated Faculty, History of Science and Medicine
Yale University
P.O. Box 208014
New Haven, CT 06520-8014

toby.appel at yale.edu

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Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 12:04 PM
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Subject: YulASpace Digest, Vol 1, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

   1. REMINDER ArchivesSpace Moratorium starts	Monday May18!
      (Caldera, Mary)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 17:54:02 +0000
From: "Caldera, Mary" <mary.caldera at yale.edu>
Subject: [Yale ArchivesSpace] REMINDER ArchivesSpace Moratorium starts
	Monday May18!
To: "yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu" <yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu>
Cc: "Cordes, Ellen" <ellen.cordes at yale.edu>, "Boursy,	Richard"
	<richard.boursy at yale.edu>, "Appel,	Toby" <toby.appel at yale.edu>,
	"Lapka, Francis" <francis.lapka at yale.edu>
	<2F98140283C03B47B54446A2CFA07E5313B9E07C at X10-MBX9.yu.yale.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


As a reminder there is an ArchivesSpace moratorium next week beginning Monday, May 18. You will not be able to access aspace.library.yale.edu. If you need to access your data you can view it at test-aspace.library.yale.edu. The moratorium is in place to allow for the Beinecke AT>AS migration.

The next moratorium is scheduled for the week of June 1, which is when Manuscripts and Archives will migrate.

Please share with your repository staff.

Mary Caldera
Yale ArchivesSpace Committeee Co-Chair
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