[Yale ArchivesSpace] ASpace Update
Wisner, Melissa
melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Wed Nov 25 15:10:46 EST 2015
Hello Everyone,
I'd like to bring you the latest news and information about ArchivesSpace at Yale. I updated the project plan again to reflect current estimates. This is a tricky time of the year to find solid work weeks for everyone, so the dates are a reflection of those considerations. Everyone can view the project task list here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9GAF4MvWHAAcXBNdFNaOHB2SEE/view?usp=sharing
A few key milestones with the hosting project to call out
* We have completed testing in the first two configurations up for evaluation, standard and large. Feedback has been helpful. Thanks to my colleagues for their time.
* When we return from break, we will start with the remaining 2 configurations. One is Max via SoftLayer, the other is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) instance, which as you recall, YUL briefly evaluated this summer.
* Next week will kickoff CAS integration testing and API testing in the hosted instances, in addition to continued staff testing and automated/measured testing across instances.
* Our first payment for 30 days of service is due Friday Dec 11. A week prior, I'd like to have a decision and plan for extending the hosted access for another month to wrap-up remaining project tasks. Since the first 30 day block bumps up close to winter break, I'm thinking we break and start a new cycle the first week of January. This also gives us flexibility to work with several external departments on final approval tasks.
* Work is getting accomplished and I anticipate a final proposal presented to stakeholders in late January.
Yale Custom Plugins
* Well we fixed the OCLC plugin, but then it led to a change required in the Accessions plugin. I continue to work with HM on that fix.
Library IT
* Work continues on upgrading the TEST ASpace instance to 1.4.2. We will closely monitor the TEST upgrade to ensure we can run a smooth upgrade in our production instance soon after and keep downtime there to a minimum.
As a kid in gym class I was terrible at running dashes. I could never get my mind around how quick it was. Over before my mind could go to work on it I guess. I'd only run that fast if there was a bee after me. But I was born for cross-country, long-distance exercises. I know we have all been working on this project in one form or another for a long time. I still have my focus, you still have my full commitment and promise. Thank you to everyone for sticking with it!
Have a wonderful break,
From: Wisner, Melissa
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 8:03 PM
To: Bell, Michael; Weideman, Christine; Schroeder, Edwin; Callahan, Maureen; Custer, Mark; Schmidt, Sarah; Beacom, Matthew; Frohlich, Raymond; Caldera, Mary (mary.caldera at yale.edu)
Cc: libraryit at yale.edu; 'yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu'; Ferrigno, Emily (emily.ferrigno at yale.edu)
Subject: ASpace Update
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to send an update of the progress on ASpace. The status of several key tasks is going to read a bit like how the sausage gets made, but we're at the stage of pencil marks and erasers on the project plan.
Yale Custom Plugins:
* HM turned around a set of modified plugins compatible with the current ASpace release 1.4.1
* Acceptance testing documented two plugins in need of additional tweaking
o Material Type plugin-all set with a snazzy 2-column display of material types. Please wait for Mark Custer's YouTube series about how to get screen grabs off a Mac!
o OCLC Plugin-well, we'll keep swinging for the fences on this one. We had a bit of back and forth. SSL errors, SSL updates, but not there yet. I'm putting a pause on this so we don't end up with spaghetti. No reason to have this one plugin delay testing the Lyrasis hosted instance of our database either. So more to come on this one.
* It also appears that our container management plugin will be part of the core code circa release 1.5! (https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/releases/tag/v1.4.3-dev17 ) This is very exciting. Like finding $20 in your jeans before throwing them in the laundry.
Lyrasis Hosting Evaluation:
* I've been working with Lyrasis staff out in California in the evenings. It helps to keep things moving when several time zones are involved. The service has been exceptional and we are developing an easy rapport over email and Skype.
* Several key tasks have been completed by Lyrasis to ready our database for testing
o Received copy of our database and we ran through several sets of QC to validate data
o Loaded all custom plugins and rebuilt the index-more QC and all looks great
o Removed all current users IDs from the database so Maureen Callahan and I can create a subset of users for the pilot
o Ran a resequencing script which fixes a "record turns into a brick" problem and can't be moved. Also successful, but it took about 25 hours. I know, right? But again, there is good news. Lyrasis and I discussed this as an example of how the application needs to consider very large datasets. Some suggestions brought forward are maintenance tools designed with options to target repositories in stages, rather than the whole db at once.
* Lyrasis should have the testing environment ready by the end of the day tomorrow. This means staff testing and automated testing will begin in earnest next week. Speaking of automated testing, check out our ASpace blog<http://campuspress.yale.edu/yalearchivesspace/2015/10/29/software-performance-testing-or-how-to-tell-if-youve-got-bad-blood/>.
What's Up in Library IT:
* As mentioned we had some back and forth on troubleshooting the OCLC plugin, but I recommended a brief pause
* We have been discussing the resequence script internally, but I want to speak face to face with ASpace committee for final scheduling options
* We will regroup on upgrading TEST and PROD ASpace to 1.4.2 and determine what scheduling is available as we approach Thanksgiving break. Maybe just the TEST instance by then.
* I've got a few new problem reports from staff using ASpace unrelated to all this stuff. I'm working on those in parallel to the other tasks noted.
* Something I'm forgetting
On a general note, due to a slight delay in receiving the plugins and OCLC giving us the business, the project is going to extend into January. I've discussed this with Maureen and Ray and they say that is OK. As a reminder the project task list is here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9GAF4MvWHAANmNvTjRPdFAwYlE/view?usp=sharing>. I updated it last week, but I confess it needs a few date changes again.
Thank you and good night!
Melissa Wisner
Yale Library IT
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