[Yale ArchivesSpace] ASpace stress test on Thursday 9-9:30am

Ferrigno, Emily emily.ferrigno at yale.edu
Mon Feb 15 12:19:47 EST 2016

Dear ASpace users,

We have scheduled a "stress test" for our newly-hosted instance of ArchivesSpace, this Thursday, February 18th, from 9-9:30am.

The goal of this test is to gather performance data while the system is in heavy use, so we'd like to enlist as many users as possible!

The log in for the test is here: https://yaletest.lyrasistechnology.org
It is a TEST instance, so feel free to add, delete, edit, or import data to your repository without consequence.

Staff who have already changed their passwords for production ASpace can log into TEST with those same credentials. If you did NOT set a password for ASpace as of last Thursday, please contact Melissa Wisner by 3pm Wednesday February 17. She will assist you in accessing the TEST instance.

Thank you for your assistance,

Emily Ferrigno
Co-chair, YAMS committee

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