[Yale ArchivesSpace] Outlook confusion!

Ferrigno, Emily emily.ferrigno at yale.edu
Wed Feb 24 15:11:57 EST 2016

I'm sorry everyone, for the Outlook confusion!

The Stress Test will indeed be on Thursday, March 3rd from 2-2:30pm.


From: Ferrigno, Emily
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 9:49 AM
To: yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: ASpace stress test - 3/2 at 2pm

Hello everyone,

We've rescheduled the stress test for next Thursday, March 2nd from 2-2:30pm.

I will send an Outlook invite shortly - please respond to the invite, so that we know how many users are on board. We'll need at least 30 users for the test to be effective.

Thank you!

Emily Ferrigno
Co-chair, YAMS committee

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