[Yale ArchivesSpace] maintenance tonight on Development ArchivesSpace

Wisner, Melissa melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Fri Oct 6 09:47:44 EDT 2017


YAMS and LIT would like to provide a heads up, that late this evening (after 9pm Eastern) our Lyrasis hosted Development instance of ArchivesSpace will undergo some basic maintenance. It will be refreshed from our TEST instance (data from TEST will be copied over to DEV). DEV and TEST will also receive some additional backend system resources to speed up processing performance. TEST will also be receiving additional backend resources. Tuning of the hosted instances is something we determined as best practice, as the size of our database and indexes grow, and more people use the applications. This is a proactive approach to maintaining ideal system performance.

Users do not need to do anything, and should not notice any disruption. Morgan McKeehan has notified users of the Digital Preservation Service for any remediation steps they might need to take next week.

YAMS/LIT will send out an update to staff on Monday morning.

Thank you, and have a lovely autumn weekend,

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