[Yale ArchivesSpace] Update: ArchivesSpace PUI Project

Wisner, Melissa melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Thu Sep 21 15:31:44 EDT 2017

Hello Everyone,

I'd like to share some project updates with you, from our September All Member/Stakeholder meeting. A reminder that these monthly meetings are open to all ArchivesSpace stakeholders, and the minutes will always be available in the Shared Google Drive project folder.

Yale ArchivesSpace PUI Project: Implementation>Meeting Minutes<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1HDsVnPb8cAA6-2D3dgUYladTf2qeZKTrzCJEI3gPeL444_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=nTeyk-U4CZBqtEsuDPTxMJ5Ukixi2letL2sC1p3IUMQ&m=HIjszTyV6a-eHvkrEO7Yw4JU_XRSJReoIT_2rpPTZps&s=YAgBifLglAcg6A_ukGeCyO640Om6cf-451zSJv805js&e= > for complete coverage. Highlights follow.

Technical Dependencies:
There are several technical dependencies we need to accomplish, as we prepare for a rollout of the new ArchivesSpace Public User Interface. This last week, we accomplished two of them.

  *   an upgrade to TEST ArchivesSpace (2.1.2) the weekend of 9/15
  *   an upgrade to Aeon 3.9, the minimum release required for vendor supported Aeon-ArchivesSpace PUI integration
  *   We now have two instances of the PUI available for project team members to conduct their work and testing

General Project Updates:

  *   Thanks to YUL Technical Services for the addition of two staff to the Data Cleanup & Enhancement Workgroup. Welcome Tim Thompson and Youn Noh!
  *   Thanks to Beinecke Access Services for the addition of a staff member to the Staff Training & Documentation Workgroup. Welcome Mary Ellen Budney!
  *   All campus special collections libraries, archives, galleries, and museums represented in ArchivesSpace have an official representative on the project. Staff are serving on a project workgroups, or in some cases as an official representative:
     *   Larry Gall, Peabody Museum of Natural History
     *   Melissa Grafe, Medical Historical
     *   Sandra Markham, Lewis Walpole
     *   Sarah Welcome, YCBA
     *   TBD, Haas Special Collections
  *   At our August Project Kickoff Meeting, we took time to introduce the Workgroup Leads and the Members. At the September meeting, we took time to have each workgroup provide an overview of their documented work plans, key tasks, deadlines, and general approach to the work. Moving forward, the monthly meetings when we all come together as a group of stakeholders, will shift so that we focus on discussing some of our key project questions and decisions. We have already been doing some of this, and I think it's important that we have more active meeting time dedicated to group discussion and shared understanding about scope, timing, and milestones to set. To enable this, all other project news and updates will be summarized in emails to the yulaspace lists bi-weekly, and to the yulib list monthly. Please continue to use any preferred project channels (slack, asana, Google Drive, etc.) to ask questions, or provide feedback as it arises.
  *   Our first project blog post is up-https://campuspress.yale.edu/yalearchivesspace/ This will also be a frequent source of project updates and information from the workgroups.

More Follow up on the feedback from the Before Action Review:

  *   Reviewing the first round of collected feedback, we recognize that the implementation of this public user interface will significantly change user experience with special collections and archives, and staff workflow.
  *   We need to determine how to measure improvements in the service from our current position. This may require several tasks, including collecting baselines of what the experience is like for users now in YFAD.
  *   We need to finish defining our measurements for success in this project.
  *   Please continue to review the notes on the Before Action Review<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1D8xEFrGpmO7E5WY5Pm5hg9dlK30eYzQu9tWPvKMaE6U_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=nTeyk-U4CZBqtEsuDPTxMJ5Ukixi2letL2sC1p3IUMQ&m=HIjszTyV6a-eHvkrEO7Yw4JU_XRSJReoIT_2rpPTZps&s=E9J9tA0oS9DmZqsUib_C0As3XtGPSVejyCI8_Ot9wgM&e= >.

Major Updates from Project Workgroups:

  *   Marketing Workgroup met with staff from the Office of the University Printer. The Printer's Office has oversight for all public-facing systems and services in regards to Yale brand and theming. They are offering to assist us with the effort to develop a marketing campaign for the new search and discovery layer for archives and special collections at Yale.
  *   Usability and Accessibility Workgroup has completed preliminary interviews with multiple user groups to gather data on how each group uses special collections and archives. The availability of the two PUI interfaces (DEV and TEST) provides the opportunity to leave one as the default configuration, and the other to be customized based on usability tests and stakeholder feedback. This ongoing point of comparison will be helpful in measuring performance and usability.
  *   Data Cleanup and Enhancement Workgroup has been meeting with all repositories with data in ArchivesSpace to identify their primary data concerns/issues. Differences among repositories may become more visible with the introduction of the ArchivesSpace PUI (for example, Music does not create accession records)
  *   Public User Interface Enhancements Workgroup has been brainstorming and captured initial changes to be made to the PUI. These are available for review in the shared Google Drive. Please log in and add any comments so the group can see them. They are also looking at several model search platforms in use at other special collection libraries and archives. This list is also available on Google drive.
  *   Staff Training & Documentation and Technical Integrations Workgroups continue with their planning and task identification.

The next monthly meeting is going to be spooktacular! Join us Tuesday October 31, from 3-4pm in Bass classroom L01 & L02. [Twelve Makes a Dozen: Guest Blog: A Halloween Party Coming ...]

Thank you,
Melissa Wisner

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