[Yale ArchivesSpace] Yale Archival Mangement Systems Committee membership and leadership transitions

Gorham, Matthew matthew.gorham at yale.edu
Fri Sep 28 11:01:20 EDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I write to let you know of some changes in the membership and leadership of the Yale Archival Management Systems Committee (YAMS) for FY 2019. First, effective Monday, October 1, I will step down as Chair of YAMS, and Alicia Detelich (MSSA) and Eve Neiger (Beinecke) will step in as Co-Chairs of the committee. Alicia and Eve were key leaders of the Archives at Yale implementation project over the past year, and I am confident that their excellent leadership skills will serve YAMS and our ArchivesSpace user community well. This year YAMS also welcomes four new committee members. In addition to Eve Neiger, new members of the committee include Rosemary Davis (Beinecke), Cate Peebles (Yale Center for British Art), and Steelsen Smith (Library IT). Sandra Markham, who has served on YAMS since 2015, is rotating off, and we thank her for her contributions, especially her fantastic work on the Agents and Subjects Task Force project.

As in years past, YAMS members serve as liaisons to ArchivesSpace repositories at Yale. ArchivesSpace liaisons serve as points of contact between users at a specific repository and the committee, and can provide support, such as arranging training sessions for staff, relaying questions or concerns to YAMS, etc. The current ArchivesSpace liaison assignments for each repository are as follows:

  *   Beinecke Library: Matthew Gorham
  *   DASHRS: Alison Clemens
  *   Divinity: Christy Tomecek
  *   Fortunoff Video Archive: Christy Tomecek
  *   Haas Arts Library: Rosemary Davis
  *   Historical Sound Recordings and OHAM: Euan Cochrane
  *   Lewis Walpole Library: Alison Clemens
  *   Manuscripts and Archives: Alicia Detelich
  *   Medical Historical Library: Mark Custer
  *   Music Library: Matthew Gorham
  *   Peabody Museum: Mark Custer
  *   Yale Center for British Art: Cate Peebles

Please reach out to your repository's liaison if you need any support in your use of ArchivesSpace from YAMS, or feel free to contact the Co-Chairs directly. As always, please report any performance issues or other systems-related problems to Library IT at libraryit.entsys at yale.edu<mailto:libraryit.entsys at yale.edu>.

All my best,

Matthew (on behalf of the Yale Archival Management Systems Committee)

Matthew Gorham
Assistant Head of the Manuscript Unit for Processing
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University
P.O. Box 208330
New Haven, CT 06520-8330
matthew.gorham at yale.edu<mailto:matthew.gorham at yale.edu>
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