[Yale ArchivesSpace] TEST ArchivesSpace Back Online

Smith, Steelsen steelsen.smith at yale.edu
Thu Jul 9 10:37:27 EDT 2020

Dear ArchivesSpace Users,

After an unanticipated delay, the TEST interface for ArchivesSpace is back online.

Downtime related to the 2.7.1 upgrade and most recent PUI enhancements was anticipated to end before 6/24. However, various indexing issues appeared which kept the system offline through 7/1. After being unable to lock in on a single cause, the vendor decided to roll back the full upgrade, refresh the database anew from production, and then repeat the upgrade process over the July 4 holiday weekend.

The system is now running our custom build of ASpace 2.7.1 with all plugins enabled, and has been responding and stable since 7/5. We therefore believe that it is now ready for testing. There may be several shorter restarts as we apply changes to plugins and patch any bugs that are discovered, but do not anticipate prolonged downtime now that batch indexing operations are complete.

In addition to the enhancements that come with version 2.7.1 the following new features are available for testing:

  *   (FY20.3) Possessive nouns are better handled by all PUI search bars
  *   (FY20.5) "Search inside a collection" now includes results from the resource page
  *   (FY20.11) Date filters now appear when searching inside a collection
  *   (FY20.12) Unpublished notes are no longer considered when generating search results
  *   (FY20.9/FY20.13) There is now a facet to filter results by whether containers are on-site or off-site
  *   (FY20.14) Repository landing pages (e.g., Beinecke's<https://puitestarchivesspace.library.yale.edu/repositories/11>) have been enhanced to include additional information, hours, and an interactive map.

YAMS will be conducting testing and more information about results will follow, but we're excited to get feedback on these new enhancements.

Steelsen, on behalf of YAMS

Steelsen Smith
Technical Lead
Client Services and IT Operations
Yale Library IT

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