[Yale ArchivesSpace] Restart of TEST ArchivesSpace :: Mon. Sept. 14, AM
Kirkpatrick, Trip
trip.kirkpatrick at yale.edu
Fri Sep 11 10:52:38 EDT 2020
Good morning!
As part of reinstituting translation codes for Beinecke accessioning fund codes, the ArchivesSpace TEST environment needs a restart.
I’ve put in a request for a restart on Monday 14 September before 9.30a EDT.
Consequent changes will only be to the TEST staff interface, and not to all users. I don’t expect there to be any material disruption of service, but be a alert to that possibility if you are working in the TEST staff interface Monday morning (EDT).
Please let me know as soon as you can if this is a problem for your work.
Trip Kirkpatrick, MA (he/him/his)
Technical Lead, Special Collections
Yale University Library
contact : yalelibrary.zoom.us/my/tripkirkpatrick
Zotero / GitHub : triplingual
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