CBA Field trip - 6/03/2001

BrianRFG at BrianRFG at
Mon Jun 4 11:34:25 EDT 2001

    Just a word about the 'species' of azures. The whole speciation of the 
azures is a controversial and delicate subject. Certainly there are 
researchers who are trying to establish a number of North American species. 
On the other hand, there are scientists who are skeptical. For the record, 
the new NABA Checklist of English and Scientific Names for North American 
Butterflies lists one species for most of our readership area : Spring Azure, 
Celastrina ladon, with five subspecies. Two other azures are also listed for 
North America - Appalachian Azure, C. neglectamajor and Dusky Azure, C. nigra.
    Brian Cassie

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