[Ctleps-l] CBA Walden walk on Saturday July 5

Janis LaPointe sunbirdjan at cox.net
Mon Jul 7 08:54:03 EDT 2014

In Enfield, in a brush area behind the Rotary Club vegetable garden at the Enfield Senior center, there is lots of milkweed, wild daisy, vetch, and wild flowers I remember from childhood, but no Monarchs yet.    I've spoken with the Garden Club members about preserving this area and the milkweed, that they pull out of the vegetable and flower gardens.    They are very receptive to having a butterfly area and I will continue to pursue this.      Garden Club members love gardening and are eager to have projects.   The vegetables and fruits are harvested and given to the local food kitchen and pantry for those in need.  
Janis LaPointe

From: Richard Mohr 
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2014 9:52 PM
To: Lemmon ; CT Butterfly 
Subject: Re: [Ctleps-l] CBA Walden walk on Saturday July 5

What a wonderful list of  sightings but only one monarch. My butterfly garden with lots of Milkweed usually is filled with monarchs and I have only seen one so far. and no eggs. My nursery has only been occupied with Black Swallowtail cats and one Spicebush. Two years ago I raised so many Monarchs, last year none. What will this year bring? Usually when my milkweed blooms the Monarchs arrive but the blooms are almost past and no visitors.I thought I would see some kind of recovery this summer but no such luck. Such a loss. Ruthie

On Sunday, July 6, 2014 3:56 PM, Lemmon <lemmon at snet.net> wrote:

>From Rich Chyinski

  From: RChyinski at aol.com

  Lots of butterflyers and lots of butterflies at the CBA walk at Walden yesterday.
  If there was a Mary G. on the walk I have your Glassberg field guide and hopefully you have mine. 

  Butterflies seen.
  Spicebush Swallowtail
  Cabbage White
  Clouded Sulphur
  Clouded/Orange Sulphur
  Amer Copper
  Stripped Hairstreak
  Great Spangled Frit
  Eastern Comma
  Amer Lady
  Little Wood Satyr
  Wood Nymph
  Silver Spotted Skipper
  Tawny Edge
  Glassy Wing
  Seen on the extended walk.
  Eastern tailed Blue
  Mourning Cloak
  Red Admiral
  Red Spotted Purple
  1000's of Milkweed plants 1 Monarch
  Northern Pearly Eye
  Appalachian Brown
  Least and Euro Skippers

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