
pjk pjk at design.eng.yale.edu
Wed May 7 14:15:42 EDT 2003

Subject:   Googling

(from NewsScan Daily, 6 May 2003)

Google, the world's most-used search engine, is now able to instantly 
search more than 3 billion Web pages about virtually any subject, and 
quantity has become quality: "Google is altering social and business
habits  -- from dating to hiring," in the words of one analyst.
Journalist Stewart Alsop, who writes about technology, says: "I
didn't used to need to do this, but now I can't work effectively
without being able to 'Google' someone." Examples of Google's new
importance: One in three Americans online has searched on the name of
a personal acquaintance into a search  engine, and one in four had
done a "vanity Google" (typing one's own name  into the search box to
see what comes up). But as its global dominance  grows, more and more
people have been questioning Google on issues such as fairness and
privacy.) O'Reilly & Co. president Tim O'Reilly, who  publishes
computer- and Internet-focused books, says: "There are a lot of 
people who certainly worry about a Google backlash, if it gets too 
powerful, and Lynn Wedel, a frequent Google user, worries: "There's
too much information, and it's too easy to find. I didn't know all
these things  were in the databases." People often find that their
marathon finish times, club memberships and high school reunion
photos online, because a friend, family member or organization has
posted the information. Ben  Edelman, a fellow a fellow at the Berkman
Center for Internet and Society  at Harvard Law School, warns: "They
are, after all, free to do what they want to. But make no mistake
about it, if people aren't happy, Google could  face regulation.
People will want to pass a law." (AP/San Jose Mercury News 5 May

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