[NHCOLL-L:368] Conservator vacancy, Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Jon Greggs greggs at geo.ucalgary.ca
Wed Dec 8 16:37:11 EST 1999

Posted at the request of Dave Watters of Carnegie Museum of Natural 
History, also at www.spnhc.org

Objects Conservator
Carnegie Museum of Natural History

   Carnegie Museum of Natural History seeks a full-time Objects Conservator 
to care for its anthropological, natural sciences, and library/archives 
collections.  The successful candidate will head the Section of 
Conservation and be responsible for administering that Section and its 
budget, operating the Conservation Laboratory, and servicing the 
conservation needs of the Museum's diverse collections.  The Conservator 
reports to the Dean of Science.
         Applicants must have experience in evaluating and treating 
anthropological collections and be familiar with, or demonstrate a 
willingness to learn about the care of biological, geological, and 
library/archives collections.  The successful candidate must have well 
developed project management skills, the ability to interact effectively 
with staff in other sections, and a record of successful conservation grant 
applications.  Computer skills are essential and knowledge of conservation 
practices related to exhibit development is desirable.  The Conservator 
will be expected to recruit and supervise interns and grant-funded personnel.
         The candidate must hold a Master's degree from a recognized 
conservation training program and have at least three years of experience 
as an Objects Conservator.  Salary range is competitive, commensurate with 
experience, and includes full benefits.  Interested applicants are invited 
to send a resume, names and addresses of at least three references, and a 
cover letter discussing how their training/experience/knowledge meet the 
criteria outlined above. Applications must be received by January 31, 
2000.  Apply to: Conservator Search, Human Resources Department, Carnegie 
Institute, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-4080.  Carnegie Institute 
is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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