[NHCOLL-L:282] RE: mammal skull evaluation

Bob Glotzhober bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org
Fri Oct 15 08:53:09 EDT 1999


The only way I know to place a value on these is to compare them with market
prices.  The following sources may help.

Stroudsburg Fur Co.,  <http://www.furskins.com/> carries furs, skulls,
feathers etc for pioneer/indian reenactors and museums.  A very inexpensive
source, with skulls of fair quality.

Skullduggery has reproduction skulls etc.   Pricey - but many rare fossils

Skulls Unlimited  <http://www.skullsunlimited.com> They process skulls in
three grades of quality -- their catalog explains the grades and pricing.
Not sure all your stuff is in this catalog -- but many of them might be.  

Good Luck!

Robert C. Glotzhober
Curator, Natural History
Ohio Historical Society		Phone:  614/ 297-2633
1982 Velma Avenue			Fax:      614/ 297-2628
Columbus, Ohio  43211-2497		e-mail:
bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org

Visit the Web Site for the Ohio Historical Society.
Visit the Web Site for the Ohio Odonata (Dragonfly) Survey (project
coordinator & newsletter editor).

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Stuart Fullerton [SMTP:stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu]
> Sent:	Wednesday, October 13, 1999 2:29 PM
> To:	Natural History Collections List
> Subject:	[NHCOLL-L:280] mammal skull evaluation
> Gentlefolks:
> Here at the UCFC, which includes a small mammal skin and skull collection,
> we are in the process of taking in a small collection of exotic mammal
> skulls.
> The collection si being donated by an anthropologist who has been working
> witha Yuqui Indian Settlement in Bolva. All the specimens have been
> cleaned, identified, and tagged including the date (month) and year
> collected, and the name of the native that did the collection as a part of
> indigenous subsistence hunting. Thus the specimens were literlay taken
> from the garbage heap as it were and show the signs and dammages of method
> of capture.  Te donor wishes to place some valuation on the skulls, not
> for tax reasons, but rather in an effort to help us place a "value" on the
> collection in the eyes of the administration and that of the University
> Foundation, through which all "in-kind" donations must be given.
> We as the recipient can not, nor have i(we) the ability, place a value on
> the specimens. But- some of you might be able to make some suggestions
> that might be passed on to the donor.
> The specimens include:
> Aotus trivirgatus - night monkey
> Bradypus tridactylus - three-toed sloth
> Coendou prehensilis  - brazilian porcupine
> Dasyprocta variagata  - agouti
> Agouti paca - paca
> Dasypus novemcinctus  - nine-banded armadillo
> Mazama americana - red brockett deer
> Eira barbara - tayra
> Potos flavus  - kinkajou
> Nasua nasua  - coati
> Felis concolor  - puma
> Felis pardalis  - ocelot
> Lutra longicaudis  - southern river otter
> Panthera onca  - Jaguar
> Tayassu tajacu  - collard peccary
> Tapirus terrestris  - tapier
> Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris  -  capybara
> Sciurus  sp  - red squirrell
> Cebus apella  - Capuchin monkey
> Saimiri sciureus  - squirrel monkey
> Any help you can provide to me that i can in return provide to Dr. S.  
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanking you in advance.
> cheers!  rof
> Stuart M Fullerton ROF, Research Associate in charge of Arthropod
> Collections (UCFC), Biology Dept. University of Central Florida, Orlando,
> Florida, 32816, USA. stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu

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