[NHCOLL-L:283] Value of Herbarium specimens

Richard Rabeler rabeler at umich.edu
Fri Oct 15 11:01:46 EDT 1999

During a short stint on e-bay last evening, I decided to search on the
word "herbarium".  I had done so about four months ago and found nothing.
This time quite a number of "hits" were returned, mostly botanical prints.
BUT, among them were actual herbarium specimens being sold as "Antique
botanicals" and, in one case, actually described as "HOT COLLECTIBLE".
The seller was starting them at $9.99 and did have bids on two of his
offerings.  The specimens are from the herbarium of C.H. Bissell, a
Connecticut botanist who died in 1925.  From the illustrations, I see no
other institutional markings.  The seller is from New Haven Connecticut.

I think this does raise a couple of potential issues for herbarium

1. When Risk Management folks have asked about our collections and how to
value them, we have often pointed to the fact there is no collector
interest in our specimens (as there is in other areas, e.g., fossils).
Will we have to "change our tune" on this point?

2. When shipping specimens to overseas institutions, we stamp the customs
invoice as: "Dried Botanical Specimens for Scientific Study NO COMMERCIAL
VALUE".  Should we now be any more specific since that last part would not
be technically true? 

3. When I pointed this out to one of my colleagues, he noted that if the
buyers of these actually do frame and display them, UV light will
eventually bleach and ruin them.  Should we as collections personnel,
redouble our efforts to make sure that old herbarium material which does
have complete data that might be tossed does remain in active herbaria?



|Richard K. Rabeler, Ph.D.                     phone: (734)-647-2811    |
|Collections Manager, Vascular Plants    (messages at (734)-764-2407)   |
|Adjunct Research Investigator                                          |
|LAN Coordinator                                                        |
|University of Michigan Herbarium       fax:   (734)-647-5719           |
|2001 NUB / 1205 N University Ave       e-mail: rabeler at umich.edu       |
|Ann Arbor MI 48109-1057 www: http://www.herb.lsa.umich.edu/rabelcv.htm |

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