[NHCOLL-L:518] Bulletins of American Paleontology

Charles Sturm csturmjr+ at pitt.edu
Mon Apr 10 08:20:31 EDT 2000

  I am trying to put together a complete set of the Bulletins of American
Paleontology.  If anyone had duplicate volumes for trade or sale please
contact me directly.  I will send you my list of my missing volumes.
  In putting together the set I currently have, I have acquired some
duplicate volumes, and in some cases individual numbers.  If anyone would
be interested in these (trade or purchase) contact me and I will send you
this list.  Again please contact me at csturmjr at pitt.edu and not throught
the discussion lists.
  Thanks very much.

Charlie Sturm, Jr
Research Associate - Section of Invertebrate Zoology
                     Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

csturmjr at pitt.edu

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