[NHCOLL-L:519] DNA Extraction

Tim White tim.white at yale.edu
Tue Apr 11 09:22:14 EDT 2000

This just in...

Please reply to Dr. Walton directly, as she is not a
subscriber to this list. 

Who is working with the extraction and sequencing of DNA
from bone (e.g. museum osteological collections)?  Are the
technical difficulties comparable to those of working with
museum skins?

Anne H. Walton        Lecturer            Visiting
27B Gaylord St.       Biology Department  Pratt Museum
Amherst, MA  01002    Univ. Massachusetts Amherst College
413-256-4261          Amherst, MA. 01003  Amherst, MA.
awalton at bio.umass.edu 413-577-1306



Tim White, Senior Collection Manager     Yale University 
Division of Invertebrate Paleontology    170 Whitney Ave., PO Box 208118
Peabody Museum of Natural History        New Haven, CT 06520-8118
203.432.3767 (voice); 203.432.9816 (fax)                                  
tim.white at yale.edu (email); www.peabody.yale.edu (www)  
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