[NHCOLL-L:609] RE: FW: Re: concerns re display of extinct bird sp ecimens

Panza, Robin PanzaR at CarnegieMuseums.Org
Thu Jun 15 10:02:03 EDT 2000

Let me clarify my position.  I do not mean that rare/extinct birds should
only be displayed if they have no data.  Certainly, Buttons is an example of
the data making it a better display.  My points were: that a specimen
without data most likely has more educational than scientific value; but
that with data there is *room* to question.  We have an exhibit on extinct
birds, most of the specimens with good collection data.  They are species
with reasonable representation in museums and we (including me, personally)
feel the educational value *does* exceed the scientific value for them.  

There are, however, taxa that are rare in museums, about which little is
known, and which are extinct.  I would be less willing to exhibit one of
them.  The educational value of such a specimen is probably no greater than
that of a Passenger Pigeon, while the value to science of the specimen is
greater.  This factor *can* make it worth keeping some specimens away from
the rigors and risks of public display, and putting a PP out instead.


Robin K Panza                         panzar at carnegiemuseums.org
Collection Manager, Section of Birds          ph:  412-622-3255
Carnegie Museum of Natural History       fax: 412-622-8837
4400 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh  PA  15213-4008  USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Glotzhober [mailto:bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org]

	I cannot agree with my interpretation of the response from Robin
Panza.  She appears to be not hesitant to display rare birds if there is not
data, but is hesitant when there is data with them.  ( "At the other
extreme, if you're exhibiting one of the only specimens left of a species
and you have good collection data on it, perhaps its educational value does
not justify exhibition.")   I'll grant the room for doubt as she says
"perhaps," leaving room for consideration.

	 I think, at least at times, the data is what makes an
object/specimen especially valuable for display.  We own a Passenger Pigeon
known as "Buttons" -- it has been well documented as the last wild Passenger
Pigeon ....

Robert C. Glotzhober		bglotzhober at ohiohistory.org
Curator of Natural History		phone  614 297-2633
Ohio Historical Society		fax       614 297-2233
1982 Velma Avenue
Columbus  OH  43211-2497

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