[NHCOLL-L:713] HazMat shipping protocol

Thomas E. Labedz tlabedz at unlserve.unl.edu
Wed Sep 13 11:37:21 EDT 2000

Dear Museum Colleagues.
    The Hazardous Material Management area of the University of Nebraska
realizes that we in the museum world often have different requirements
or situations than most other chemical/hazardous material
generators/shippers.  To best meet our museum's needs and their (and
EPA's, IATA's, etc.) requirements we are developing a protocol for
packaging and shipment of common museum chemicals associated with
specimens (alcohol, formalin, etc.) that meet all our needs and
requirements, and that will facilitate training of museum staff.  It
would simplify and accelerate our process if we could use another
museum's protocol as a template for our own.  If your museum has such a
protocol and is willing to loan us a copy we would sincerely appreciate
    Thank you very much!
    Thomas E. Labedz   TLABEDZ1 at UNL.EDU
    Collections Manager - Division of Zoology
    University of Nebraska State Museum
    W-436 Nebraska Hall
    Lincoln, NE  68588-0514  USA
        402/472-8366        fax 402/472-8949

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