[NHCOLL-L:1012] position sought

Robert B. Hole, Jr. rhole at interaktv.com
Mon Apr 23 02:37:30 EDT 2001


I am looking for a curatorial type position in a natural history 
collection. At a larger museum the level of position I'm looking for would 
be titled something like "curatorial assistant," at a smaller facility it 
may be "curator."

My experience and interests are broad in the natural sciences, though my 
main experience is with vertebrates. I would be happy working at a large or 
small facility, within a single collection or among collections/subjects. 
My wide ranging experience might be particularly useful, however, to a 
smaller museum or larger institution with multidisciplinary functions.

In addition to experience with collections and collection-based research, I 
have experience as a teacher and with public speaking to a wide variety of 
groups. I would be happy to participate in public or educational programs.

My CV/resume is available on-line at 
References are available on request. The easiest way to contact me 
initially is via email.

I currently am located in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, but am 
willing to relocate.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Robert Hole, Jr.
rhole at interaktv.com

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