[NHCOLL-L:1371] RE: Invoicing loans of specimens

Rich Rabeler rabeler at umich.edu
Fri Dec 7 14:38:14 EST 2001

I agree with Alexandra's comments.  We routinely ship a separate invoice as
well as placing one in the box.

While I've also seen an increase in e-mail transactions, I've noticed an
increase in the number of cases where a copy of our invoice acknowledging
the receipt of the materialis not being returned.  I keep a folder titled
"unacknowledged shipments" and it seems to be somewhat fatter than in
previous years.  Do our shipments actually arrive?  An acknowledgment makes
a nice replacement for an assumption.  I suspect this situation is not
unique to MICH.....

Rich Rabeler
Collections Manager, Vascular Plants
University of Michigan Herbarium

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