[NHCOLL-L:1409] Moving the Univ. of Michigan Herbarium - an update

Rich Rabeler rabeler at umich.edu
Fri Dec 21 15:39:12 EST 2001

The move of the University of Michigan Herbarium is rapidly approaching,
most likely occupying all of the month of February 2002.  We would like to
update the community on our progress:

Visitors:  We will not be able to accomodate visitors until at least 1 April
2002. Please contact the appropriate curator in advance of any visit to
verify if the items that you want to study are indeed available.

Loan requests: The Vascular Plant collection (including Pteridophytes) will
be closed for loan activity until 1 June 2002; the Fungus collection plans
to resume loan activity on 1 April 2002; please contact the appropriate
curator for information on other collections.  Loan requests received
“during the move” could be delayed for weeks or even months.

Shipments to MICH: Please limit ANY shipments being sent to MICH between now
and April 2002. We will not be in a position to process loan returns,
exchange, etc.

Our new address:  Effective 1 March 2002, the new address for the U of
Michigan Herbarium is:

	University of Michigan Herbarium
	Suite 112
	3600 Varsity Drive
	Ann Arbor MI 48108-2228

Thanks for your time in reading this information.


Richard K. Rabeler
Collections Manager, Vascular Plants
University of Michigan Herbarium

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