[NHCOLL-L:1410] Miss the Deadline? Act Now! MAP funding

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Fri Dec 28 10:43:06 EST 2001

Miss the Deadline?  Act now!
Did you miss the November 1, 2001 grant deadline for an Institute of Museum
and Library Services grant for a MAP assessment?  If so, act now to get your
application in at the front of the line for the March 15, 2002 grant
deadline.  Grants are first-come, first-served.  Keep in mind that if you
are applying for a Governance Assessment grant, you must have your governing
authority pass a resolution stating their support of the application.
Applications are easy to complete, the benefits are wide-ranging, and the
MAP staff is only a phone call away for assistance.  Do it today!  For an
application or more information on MAP, call 202-289-9118, e-mail
map at aam-us.org <mailto:map at aam-us.org> , or visit our web site at
www.aam-us.org <http://www.aam-us.org> .

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