[NHCOLL-L:825] TDWG 2000 meeting report now available

Georgina MacKenzie gmackenzie at york.biosis.org
Thu Jan 4 08:57:37 EST 2001

The report of the TDWG 2000 meeting (held in Frankfurt in 
November 2000) is now available on the TDWG web site
http://www.tdwg.org .

Georgina MacKenzie, 
Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster, 
International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases (TDWG)

gmackenzie at york.biosis.org
Telephone: +44 1904 642816
Fax: +44 1904 612793

54 Micklegate,
YO1 6WF,

[Any opinion expressed here does not necessarily represent 
the views of BIOSIS UK.]

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