[NHCOLL-L:1474] MAP: Immediate Benefits

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Fri Feb 8 13:46:33 EST 2002

MAP: Immediate Benefits

Apply for a Museum Assessment Program (MAP) grant from IMLS and begin to
improve and change today!  The MAP process of self-study and peer review
yields both immediate and long-term benefits.  While the process helps
develop a long-range vision, many museums find that, in addition, they
benefit from the experience during the early stages of MAP.

The next deadline for applications is March 15, 2002.  Grants are
first-come, first-served so don't hesitate.  For more information or a MAP
application, please call (202) 289-9118, e-mail map at aam-us.org
<mailto:map at aam-us.org> , or visit our website at www.aam-us.org
<http://www.aam-us.org> .

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