[NHCOLL-L:1936] List of the genera of all living organisms; Insects

Vr.R.E.M.J..-B. BEJSAK-COLLOREDO-MANSFELD ricardo at ans.com.au
Fri May 16 03:01:28 EDT 2003

Dear Colleagues,
I apologize for cross-posting of this message, but feel free to forward this 
message to others groups.

 The uBio project (http://www.ubio.org) is developing an indexing system for
biology for use on the internet.
Our current objective is to achieve a complete list of all genera.  These names 
will be publicly available. At this time we are turning our attention to the 
insects.  We hope to complete this task before December 2003. We would welcome 
the involvement of expert entomologists who would be interested to cooperate on 
this project.

Our aim is to identify and incorporate global lists of genera.   We will accept 
lists in database, Excel or document formats, usually with the columns or 
fields with:

Family (other ranks)  Genus (species) (Authority)

where the parentheses indicate optional information

Please be so kind and help me to localize entomologist who will be able to 
cooperate on this magnificant project.  

Anyone interested in this project should make contact with me so that we can advise if we already have coverage of that area or not.  We will soon publish a list of our needs on the internet.

If you need more info do not hesitate to contact me.

Keep care and be of good cheer
(name) Vratislav Richard Eugene Maria John Baptist
(surname) of Bejsak (Bayshark)-Colloredo-Mansfeld

Tenebrionidae of the World, incl. Alleculinae and Lagriinae, 
higher taxonomy, Australian beetles. 
http://www.coleoptera.org. and
University of Sydney
The Wentworth Bldg., B 62
NSW 2006
phone  :  +61 414 540 465
email: ricardo at ans.com.au
          vratislav at bigfoot.com
ICQ: 13610107
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only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you find that money can not be eaten.'
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