[NHCOLL-L:2071] Re: stolen specimens

Dennis Paulson dpaulson at ups.edu
Tue Sep 9 10:45:27 EDT 2003

I just wanted to give thanks to all of you who responded to my query 
about legal proceedings against a dealer who had acquired a 
collection of dragonflies that contained many specimens of value that 
had been borrowed from and never returned to various museums (as well 
as undoubted stolen specimens the ownership of which will be more 
difficult to trace).

Several museums that have records of the loans have been contacted, 
and they are sending them to one of my colleagues who lives in the 
same state. He is presenting them to the dealer, who, when confronted 
with the seriousness of this business, has agreed to return all 
specimens for which there is such evidence. So great progress has 
been made without resorting to the courts or law officers.

Many of the specimens in this collection have been ruined by mold or 
insects, so we probably won't pursue it further, once all specimens 
that are the known property of museums are accounted for. 
Fortunately, the specimens of great value (including a holotype) seem 
still in good condition.

Most of the responses to me about this were shared with NHCOLL-L, but 
if anyone who sent me a response didn't do so, I encourage you to 
publish your comments, as numerous people expressed interest.

Thanks again!

Dennis Paulson, Director                           phone 253-879-3798
Slater Museum of Natural History                 fax 253-879-3352
University of Puget Sound                       e-mail dpaulson at ups.edu
1500 N. Warner, #1088
Tacoma, WA 98416-1088

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