[NHCOLL-L:2318] Re: shipping methods for specimens

sam sam at qty.com
Wed Jun 16 14:51:49 EDT 2004

Jamie and all-

We ship products to foreign destinations probably much more frequently than 
even a big museum ships specimen loans.  Although sometimes we must use 
USPS for international shipments we much prefer UPS, Fed Ex, and 
DHL.  Insuring a USPS shipment doesn't accomplish anything, it doesn't make 
safe, timely delivery any more likely, nor am I aware of ever collecting on 
an USPS insurance claim.  Although I have heard of other companies having 
problems using the three big private carriers we have never experienced any 
problem with them.  I must admit USPS is good domestically, but for 
international shipping, .... it sucks.  So we occasionally suffer a little 
financial loss when a USPS package gets lost or destroyed, it's the cost of 
doing business, but scientific specimens are not replaceable.  Other 
shippers have different experiences ....



At 09:18 AM 6/16/2004, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Building on Greg's question last week regarding alcohol shipments, who is 
>your preferred courier for 1) domestic and 2) international loan 
>shipments? ...........[snip]

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