[NHCOLL-L:2600] RE: questions

Kelly.Goulette at dmns.org Kelly.Goulette at dmns.org
Tue Mar 22 12:37:02 EST 2005

> Greetings All,
> I have a couple of questions and I could really use your help.  Please
> let me know if you can speak to either or both of these:
> *	Valuation of dioramas for insurance purposes.  Our risk manager
> is requesting that we calculate replacement values of our dioramas
> (background murals, taxidermy mounts, foregrounds, etc).  Have you
> calculated similar values recently?  What method did you use?  How did
> you address the value of threatened, endangered, or extinct species?
> *	Policies for hosting catered events in exhibit halls.  What are
> your institution's policies or established practices for hosting
> catered events in exhibit halls?
> Many thanks,
> Kelly
> Kelly Goulette
> Director, Preservation & Documentary Resources
> Denver Museum of Nature & Science
> 2001 Colorado Boulevard
> Denver, CO  80205
> direct:  303-370-6401
> fax:  303-331-6492
> email:  kgoulette at dmns.org
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