[NHCOLL-L:2981] shipping preserved specimens to Indonesia

Chris Conroy ondatra at berkeley.edu
Wed Mar 1 20:19:30 EST 2006

Dear NHColl list,

       I am trying to find a way to ship a large number of preserved 
reptiles and amphibians from California to Indonesia. I am aware that 
Fedex and UPS do not ship animals whole or in parts. I just spoke 
with DHL and they have the same policy. Even taxidermied specimens 
are prohibited. Any suggestions?  And to make it better, these are 
typical herp specimens which means they have been preserved in 
formalin and are stored in 70% ethanol. If we knew we could ship very 
quickly, under a week, we could ship in water. But, we would prefer 
to ship in dilute ethanol. That has restrictions as well.

Thanks for any advice,

Chris Conroy

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
University of California
Berkeley, CA 9420

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